About Us

3DamenZion Media Inc

Is Celebrating 24 Years of Outreach 

From The City of Brotherly LOVE

We have dedicated our Ministry to post positive messages across Social Media Platforms.
Also providing FREE access to Audio Streams Featuring Christian Music and Relative Content.
Providing an ON-AIR Platform for Churches to Feature their Sermons and Special Messages to Reach
And Impact Listeners with TRUTH...The word of GOD 

John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Our Ministry Has Been Solely Funded By The Principles of Tithing.
The Word of GOD says...GIVE

Luke 6:38
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Our Message in the graphic above READS:

It was 1998, my Pastor was expanding the Church's outreach efforts
Ensuring that a greater number of people were being reached with the WORD of GOD
Her Radio Ministry was growing to a new radio station with a much larger reach 
and a more powerful signal.
That's when she asked me if I would take over the existing broadcast at the current
station where we still had a contract with.
So there I was "ON THE AIR"
On a Christian Radio Station
GOD showed me the Power of the Microphone and how FAITH
Comes by hearing the WORD of GOD
That's when GOD set me on this path. 
"The Ride of My Life In Radio"

WORD Is "Music"
WORD Is "Uplifting"
WORD Is "The Inspiration Station"

You Can Become a Member of our Mission
Use the Contact Form on this page


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